Wednesday, February 29, 2012


In case of non-functioning or any type of hardware problems of HCL computers  or                          Printers / Scanners, etc supplied by HCL or Operating system problem, Book your complaint at the TOLL FREE NO. 
TOLL FREE NO. - 1860-425-1801

            You can also book your complaint by email, at

Sunday, February 26, 2012


BSNL has launched three tablets PCs including two 7 inch with resistive screen based and runs on Android 2.3 operating system, while the third tablet comes with an 8 inch capacitive touchscreen.
Developed by Noida based company - Pantel, the tablets will be sold with discounted data plans from BSNL. The three tablets are priced at Rs 3,250, Rs 10,999 and Rs 13,500.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New version of iMO is being released

1) NIC lease line / Static IP / ICS  required.
2) This new software will run on following operating systems :-
     Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 / Windows Server 2008 / Windows 7
3) Dot Matrix Printer or Laser Printer required. 

 All activeX Radio Button Should be enabled
   To do this open Internet Explorer-> Click on Tools Menu->Internet Options->Security->
   Trusted   Sites->Custom level->Enable all active x buttons

Kindly contact with your Divisional System Assistant for a new ID PASSWORD if  Supervisor is not able to login (with old user id) and following message displays “You are not authorized for this machine” or “You are not authorize for getting new Id ” .
After getting new ID and Password, and after successfully login please register your machine first.
If Operator is not able to login (with old user id) and following message displays “You are not authorized for this machine” or “You are not authorize for getting new Id ”  , then contact your supervisor for getting new id and password.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Guidelines for newly introduced Mail Network System
The existing mail offices have been classified into Level 1 (L-1) and Level 2 (L-2) mail offices. There would be 89 L-1 and 244 L-2 mail offices under the new set up.

All L-1 mail offices will close direct bags for each other. An L-1 office will also close bags for all L-2 offices as well as delivery post offices mapped/attached to it.

All L-2 offices attached/mapped to it an L-1 office can close bags for that particular office. An L-2 office may also close bags for all other L-2 offices mapped to the same L-1 office if the need be. It will also close bags for all delivery post offices mapped to it.

An L-2 mail office would not close bags for any other L-1 office to which it is not mapped. Similarly an L-2 office will not close bags for any other L-2 office which is not mapped to the same L-1 office. However, there may be a situation where an L-2 office may require closing bags for an L-1 or L-2 office falling in the same circle or neighboring circle for transmission advantage. Circles should try to keep this number to the bare minimum to the extent possible. In all such exceptional cases, the circle concerned should furnish the list of such offices and destinations for which bag closing is required and seek approval of the Directorate.

Post Offices would prepare two kinds of bags (separate for unregistered and registered mail) for their parent mail office (L-1 or L-2 as the case may be), which would be as follows.

A bag containing TD mail to be delivered by post offices mapped to the same parent mail office (for unregistered mail).

A bag containing non-TD (NTD) i.e. all mail other than TD , to be delivered by post offices not mapped to the same parent mail office (for unregistered mail).

A bag containing TD mail to be delivered by the post offices mapped to the same parent mail office ( for registered mail).

A bag containing non-TD (NTD) mail, i.e. all mail other than TD, to be delivered by post offices no mapped to the same parent mail office (for registered mail).

Post Offices would continue to retain station article i.e. articles to be delivered from the same post office in case of both unregistered and registered articles.

The new operational network has put into operation from 15th February, 2012.

Friday, February 17, 2012

IT Modernization Project-2012

The proforma for collection of data as required for the "IT Modernization Project-2012" is available for download. 

Click here to DOWNLOAD

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to set password in your MS Word file ?

1. Click the Microsoft Office Button & click on Prepare, and then click Encrypt Document.

2. In the Encrypt Document dialog box, in the Password box, type a password, and then 
     click OK.

3. In the Confirm Password dialog box, type the password again, and then click OK.
    To save the password, save the file.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Computer Vision Syndrome ( CVS)  - Preacutions

Prolonged computer use can stress your eyes and may affect normal vision development. People who use computer for three hours or more at a stress ,their eyes and eye retina may becomes weaker. In this disease symptom like tiredness of eyes, dimness in the vision, seeing of two things instead of one, etc may occur. Symptoms of CVS include 1) Headache 2) Loss of focus 3) Burning eyes 4) Tired eyes 5) Double vision 6) Eye twitching 7) Blurred vision 8) Neck & Shoulder pain.

Precautions :
1) It is better not to use computer continuously for hours after hours. After an hour or two, wash 
     your eyes with fresh water.
2) Lower the computer screen so that the centre of the screen is four to eight inches below your
3) Blink whenever you begin to sense eye discomfort , close eyelids and roll eyes frequently.
4) While working on computers, use glasses with anti-reflection coating. These are advised for
     those wearing lens as well. For those with presbyopia (glasses for reading after 40 years),
     the best solution is a lens that is specifically designed for this purpose.
5) The most optimum viewing distance is considered to be 20 - 28 inches.
6)  Consult doctor immediately in any discomfort or above symptoms.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Olivetti Passbook Printer    
             Installation & Configuration

PassBook - Printer Settings
1. Press station 1 + local +station 2 & ON the printer (30sec) & insert the paper.
2. It shows station1=continue,station2=skip,local=config
3. Press local, it shows Menu : config
4. Press station1 to continue until the printer name display as OLIVETTI
5. Press station2, the display changes to IBM
6. continue press station1 button until it displays save changes to Y
7. switch off the printer and swith on

Add New PASSBOOK PRINTER(It is for COM1 / Serial Port)
Start -> Setting -> printer -> Add Priner -> next -> Local Printer -> Next -> Select COM1 - Serial port -> Manufacturer ( IBM) -> Printers ( IBM Pro Printer 1 or 2) Give Name as ( PASSBOOK PRINTER) -> Next -> Next -> Finsih
* for Vista OS /Windows 7 : Select Gereric -> 9 Pin Compatible Wide

Paper Settings:

Inside the Window Printer and Fax Right Click in the Blank space -> Server Properties -> Tick on the Create New Form -> Form Name ( give name as "PASSBOOK" ) -> Measurement ( in Inch)Width: 8.20 Left : 0.20 Top : 0.70Hight : 5.80 Right: 0.00 Bottom : 0.20
Save the form. ( The measurement may be changed as per size of Passbook ) (Ex 8.27 - 0.08- 0.98 and down line 5.3 - 0.0 - 0.08)
Right Click Installed PASSBOOK PRINTER-> Properties -> 1. Devise Setting -> Select PASSBOOK and Apply2. Devise Setting -> Printing Preferences -> Advanced -> Select Paper size PASSBOOK3. Right Click -> properties -> Ports -> COM1 -> configure port -> Flow Control -> Xon / Xoff -> Apply -> OK

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Generic Host Process error" - Solution

Follow these two simple steps and your problem will be solved
STEP 1: Close Port 445:
1. Click Start menu, and then click Run .
2. In the small box that Opens, type: regedit then click the OK button.
3. Registry Editor will open.
4. Locate the following key in the registry:

     In the right-hand side of the window find an option called TransportBindName.
     Double click that value, and then delete the default value, thus giving it a blank value.

STEP 2:Close Port 135:
1.Then go to the following registry key:
2. You will see there is a String Value called: EnableDCOM
     Set the value to: N (it should currently be Y)

3. Close the Registry Editor. Shutdown and Restart your computer.
And your PROBLEM is gone

Friday, February 10, 2012

ePayment -  Commission i/r/o BSNL TELEPHONE BILL enhanced to Rs 10 per bill

MOU between DOP and BSNL extended upto 27.06.2012. 
From 01.01.2012, BSNL will be charged Rs 10 per bill for the bills collected at Post offices.
As the order received at Balurghat H.P.O. on 09.02.2012, necessary changes has been made in Meghdoot ePayment on 09/02/2012 at 18:02:56.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to open BPL accouts in Sanchay Post

BPL accounts should be opened in the ONLINE MODULE only . The account number allotted will be from the regular SB block. While opening BPL accounts, counter officials should enter the following details under the introducer particulars:

a) Select 'Others' in the dropdown option for the Scheme.

b)Enter 'BPL' in the introducer name,address,city and pincode.
This is mandatory for all BPL accounts, failing which the account cannot be classified as a BPL account. The counter officials should be suitably instructed without fail. The same procedure is to be adopted for opening of BPL accounts in the SOSB Online module.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Balurghat Head Post Office has started selling of GOLD COINS.

India Post sells 24 carrot Gold Coins of  denominations 0.5g, 1g, 5g and 8g.
The gold coins are minted by Valcambi sa Switzerland. The gold is 99.99 % pure.
Smile a while

13837 x  Your age x 73 = ?

Your age will be repeted 4 times. Try now.
R Net is a method of communication added to the existing process of delivering Registered Articles where tracking details of the articles can be viewed like Speedpost articles.
 Working Procedure
        Log in to Despatch module as Operator. Then do the following steps to close bag.
1)      Receipt – Receipt from Counter/Spl Journal / B.O’s  – Give Counter No as 1 (if you  
         have booked in counter 1) – Fetch  – Select  All  – Receive – Close.

2)      Prepare – Bundle/Bag  – Close  – Select Bag Type as  REGB  – Select destination
         Office in Bag Name  – Give Bag Number – Fix Bag – Fetch

3)      Now all the articles will be fetched in the left box of the window. Select the articles that
         are meant for  the destination office you choose as “Bag Name”

4)      Send them to the Right Box by clicking the Up Arrow.

5)      Close Bag.
RNET  - Rebooking of  B.O. articles
  ( As asked by Sri Dibakar Chaudhuri, Postmaster, Islampur S.O. in his comments
   dated 06.02.2012 in this website)
In Despatch module go to Data entry – Article from other Source – OK – SOs/BOs articles – Select the article type (RL /RLAD/RP/RPAD) – Bo Rct no. – Scan the barcode no. of the article - Enter the weight, receiver address, booking office, destination, pincode.- Then click OK. 
Kindly note that all B.O. articles should be affixed with barcode.